


HOW TO FILE TAX RETURNS The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has issued a 4 steps online procedure allowing businesses to simplify the tax return submission through their services portal. The Online submission system helps the businesses registered for Value Added Tax.  The


VAT ON EDUCATION SECTOR In education sector, zero-rated VAT will be applied for Nurseries, preschools and schools. Private and public school education (excluding higher education) & related goods and services provided by the educational institution. Higher education provided by institution owned by the government

VAT on Business Visitors & Tourists

VAT on Business Visitors & Tourists Business Visitors Under Article (67) of Executive Regulations of Value Added TAX explain the VAT refund on purchases and expenses incurred by Business Visitors to UAE from Other Countries: The FTA will implement a VAT refund scheme

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VAT Implementation Procedures

VAT Implementation Procedures Implementing VAT in an organization means updating and upgrading the entire ERP system and identifying the accounting obligations. Since it affects the entire area of your business VAT is not just considered as a tax issue and it should

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VAT on Rental Contracts & Service Contracts

Need of Amendment of Rental & Service Contracts The Contracts that issued by many companies for rendering service after the implementation of Value Added Tax on January 1, largely face addressing the problems that could arise from the introduction of Value

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Impact of VAT on Free Zone Companies

Impact of VAT on Free Zone Companies Under Article (51) of Executive Regulations of Value Added TAX Define the Designated Zones as follows: Any designated zone specified by a decision of the Cabinet shall be treated as being outside the state and

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Value Added Tax for Residential Units

VAT for Residential Units A residential building is a building or part thereof that is intended and designed for occupation by individuals and mainly includes building that can be occupied by any person as the main place of residence. The first supply of